Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Josef Müller-Brockmann

Josef Müller-Brockmann born in 9th may is considered on of the key players in the swiss achool of international style. One may consider the era of his career, which was during the World War 2, the cold war and the growing influence of a Europe on the mend from fear and destruction. He did not influence swiss designers but all of them in a global scale. It was a time for many nations to rebirth again from ruins of the brutality of the war.

Müller-Brockmann was more than just a man who sought to form what is now labeled the swiss school; constructivism, de still, suprematism and offcourse the Bauhaus, of which all push his designs in a new direction for creative expression in graphic design. When looking at that time, he is the most recognized amongst all other graphic designers.

Some say that his most recognized work was done for the zurich town hall as poster advertisements. His work was rather graphic that illustrative, even some critics say that these posters created a mathematical harmony, in terms of harmony of the music. If one studies poster before that time, they would propably all agree that these are a bold and different way to play to visual messages when dealing with music. He even influenced jazz and fusion albums in America at that time.

The Grid System was the prioritization and arrangement of typographic and pictorial elements with meaningful use of colors, set into order, based from left to right and top to bottom. It’s two dimensional structure made up from different intersecting vertical and horizontal axes used to structure the content. The grid will serve as an armature on which he can organize the text and image in a rotational for an easy manner.

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