Saturday, January 25, 2014

Joost Scmidt 1893 - 1948

Joost Scmidt 1893 - 1948

He studied in 1910 -1914 in Weimar and after military service and a period as a prisoner of war, he returned to Germany in 1918.
From 1919 to 1924/25, he trained in the workshop for stone and wood sculpture under Johannes Itten and Oskar Schlemmer.

The design of a poster for the Bauhaus exhibition of 1923 in Weimar while he was student
In 1925 he accepted an offer from Walter Gropius to become a junior master at the Bauhaus Dessau
His students were required to attend two semesters of lettering design.
Here Sch­­midt explored the structure of letters – circle, square and rectangle – and then their flexibility in terms of shape and size as well as the treatment of colour and surface.

Through his teachings he strove to reform letters, which then became validated and standardized internationally.

This was probably Schmidt’s best known piece.
It was inspired heavily by constructivism and de stijl
which was designed for a competition,
In the form of a cross made up of circles and squares.
The diagonally placed cross incorporates the (Bauhaus logo)
Logo designed by Oskar Schlemmer,
The original version of the poster, which was used for advertising purposes in 120 German railway stations,
Specifies the months of July to September for exhibition dates.

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