Saturday, January 25, 2014

Post modernism

Post modernism was a movement after the modernism movement. Technically the modernism was still going on, but some designers wanted to go a bit further more. The movement was as reaction against its predecessor, the designers wanted to show that art and design does not have to be clean, structured, easy legible or have specific purpose. This was the time that helped people to stat think out side the box and give lots of designers no limitations. It got you thinking and looking at the design concept as a whole. David Carson and Stefan sagmiester are the most influential designers of the amazing movement

Jamie ried's Sexpistols cover - God save the queen, from punk art 

Paula Scher, poster for CBS records 1979.

David Carson's poster, Do Not Be Satisfied.

Sagmeister's Lou Reed Promotional poster for Set the Twiilight Reeling.

Art Chantry's poster, Idealogical Propaganda for the Individual.

April Greiman's design quarterly.


Livingston, A. I., 2003. Graphic Design and Designers. London: The Thames & Hudson.

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