Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Futurism was a social and art movement that developed in italy in early 20th century. Futurists artists practiced in almost every field of art including painting, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, interior design, theater, film, literature, music and architecture. It was a movement was against every other aspect and characteristics of other, but not only the classical antiquity but also the everything that was modern.

The painters of Futurism were particularly successful but much of the ideas of the movement were generated through the modern industry at that age. The Futurists loved speed, noise, machines, pollution, and cities; they liked the exciting new world that was then upon them rather than hypocritically enjoying the modern world’s comforts while loudly denouncing the forces that made them possible. Fearing and attacking technology has become almost second nature to many people today; the Futurist manifestos show us an alternative philosophy. They often broke light and color down into a series of dots or geometric forms and influenced many modern art movements of the 20th century which in turn influenced the development of graphic design. The writings, philosophies and aesthetic characteristics of futurism have been particularly influential to designers.

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