Saturday, January 25, 2014

Punk in Graphic Design

When Punk first came out to public in the 1970s it looked as it is from youth rebellion. In actuality it was part of the Postmodernist movement which began as a reaction to the rigid restrictions of Modernism, a time of political and social turbulence. The former British Empire was dissolving and a new era in British music, fashion and design was beginning.

sex pistols 1 sex pistols 5
The young rockstar band was well represented by art student and anarchist Jamie Reid who had developed his unique collaged or juxtaposition typography whilst art directing a radical political magazine. In the ’70s graphic designers needed to commission a typesetter to create the type and they wouldn’t see what it looked like until it came back as finished copy printed out on a sheet. Instead Reid cut letters out of newspapers and magazines, and collaged them together to be photographed. As he went along he could see what he was doing, trying out different font styles and sizes and seeing the results instantly. the photograph also treated him from the restrictions of typesetting within a structured grid. Reid designed everything that the band needed, such as logos, poster cover, and many other misc.


Above ‘Typesetting and paste-up, 1970 style’, by Wayne Overbeck

sex pistols 6  sex pistols 7
At the time Reid’s amazing style style was considered shocking and uncontrolled but the influence on design has reach a more far away international audience.

Vinyl records were mass produced, disposable items (although treasured by their owners), a 45″ Sex Pistols single cost about 70p at that time but soon after it became such a significant piece of work. In fact it was the beginning of a major art and design movement which would change the face of Britain.
Elsewhere Postmodernism was taking the form of New Wave Design which was championed in Switzerland by Wolfgang Weingart and in Holland by Gert Dumbar. 

 Swiss Design History

Moderins design 

Here we have a contrast between the clean structure of Modernist design and style of Punk. One can easily identify from one another although they were at the exact time, still both serve different purpose in the design industry and also can attract different target audience.

Punk Design

sex pistols 4

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