Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hannah hoch

Hannah Hoch born in 1889 in Gotha,  she was a dadaist artist. She started studying at the collage of art and craft in berlin, were she frequented the curriculum glass design and graphic arts. After she continued her studies studies on graphics sector at the National Institute of the Museum of Arts and Crafts. In 1915, Hoch worked with Raoul Hausmann who was a member of the Berlin Dadaist movement in 1919. When Hannah Hoch started working in the handicrafts department, the influence of her early work and training had reflected her later work (involving dress patterns and textiles).  

Years later Hock had developed more friendship with other dadaists such as, Kurt Schwitters and Piet Mondrian many more. Also with Hausmann, they discovered the first art form technique that became known as photomontage. She is best know for her work of the Weimar period, when she was one of the contributor of  the today's known photomontage. She died at the age of 88 in Berlin.

Noam Chomsky's bespectacled eyes and his arm and hands holding chalk along with actress Colleen Dewhurst's mouth and chin and a relic found in the Indus Valley pasted on a found sepia photograph -  Homage to Hannah


Rauol Hausmann ABCD (Self-portrait) A photomontage from 1923-24.


Livingston, A. I., 2003. Graphic Design and Designers. London: The Thames & Hudson.

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